Here's everything the Maniculum's served At the Kitchen Table throughout the episodes (and some of what's left in the pantry, too!)
Rooster's Egg: found in Episode 1, the mythical rooster's egg was served at Tyb's wedding. Its inclusion illustrates the lower-class nature of the feast, since misshapen and less-desirable eggs were thought to be laid by roosters.
Sín's Poisoned Pork and Wine: seen in Episode 2, this magical food is suited for a feast, but beware! It's been magically enchanted by the Otherworldly goddess Sín to induce deep sleep, night terrors, and hallucinations.
Cursed Whale Meat: this strange source of food was featured in Episode 7 when the Greenland settlers debated whether to pray to Thor for food. He delivered a beached whale, but apparently also delivered food poisoning.
Pepper: seen in Episode 14, apparently guarded by snakes, these peppercorns are black because the locals burn the plants in order to flush the snakes out to harvest the pepper.
Cinnamon: seen in Episode 14, the phonenix utilized this fragrant spice to create its nest.
Raw Flesh and Honey: seen in Episode 14, delicacy to the Cetini, we aren't sure what sort of raw meat they were eating with their honey, but we're hoping it's not human.
Human Flesh: seen in Episode 14, there are a variety of peoples who dine on human flesh in "The Wonders of the East," including the Hostes (meaning "enemies" in Latin) and the Donestre, who have the appearance of "soothsayers."
Mustard Bread: this tear-inducing bread was used by the old crone in Episode 21 to make her dog cry upon eating it. We don't recommend this recipe, except as a prank, perhaps.
Fish Liquor: while it may be a form of garum we are unfamiliar with, this fish liquor was apparently popular in Constantinople in the 10th century.
Gemstone Berries: There are a few plants which have the propensity to grow gems, but our favourite are the berries 10-feet across which are filled with organically grown gemstones.
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